Expands and moves to new premises
After 20 years at Luleå Science Park, we have now moved to central Luleå. In connection with this, we are also expanding our staff.
The new office on Storgatan 7 is located opposite the town hall, a stone's throw from the city park and the lively pedestrian street. We look forward to the increased proximity to some of our customers as well as the good opportunities for new meetings. Welcome to visit us if you have the roads past!

iCWE for Mac coming soon
Our popular client iCoordinator Webb Extension (iCWE) will also be launched for Mac soon. With the client, you can open and edit files locally directly from the iCoordinator web interface. More info coming soon.
Tip - Mail files to folder
Did you know that it is possible to email files to any folder in iCoordinator?
It is easy. Go to Upload - Get email address in the folder to which you want to email your files. Then send a regular email with attachments to this address.
Training in iCoordinator
Welcome to sign up for our free trainings in iCoordinator!
The basics of iCoordinator - (Swedish)
We 29/9 at 10.00-11.00
Using metadata - (Swedish)
We 6/10 at. 15.00-16.00
Sign documents in Visma Addo and store in iCoordinator - (Swedish)
We 13/10 at 10.00-11.00
The basics of iCoordinator - English
We 13/10 at 15.00-16.00
Sign up here!
How can we help you?
All users covered by our support agreement have access to our support via e-mail or telephone.
Send an email to: Support@designtech.se
Call us at: +46 (0) 920 377 37