technical FAQ

On this page we have collected
technical questions about iCoordinator

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Common Questions

  • If you use "email link" (Get e-mail address) for someone external to be able to email documents to a specific folder. Is the "mail link" time-limited, or does it always work and point to the current folder?

    Answer: Yes, it always works and points to the same folder (even if the folder is moved or renamed) as long as the folder is not deleted.

  • If users share a document, how long are the links active? Are they time-limited or do they live as long as the document lives?

    Answer: The link is valid as long as the current sharing level does not change and as long as the document is not deleted.

  • I have forgotten my password. What should I do?

    Answer: At the bottom of the login box at https://apps.icoordinator.com there is a button "Reset password". Click on that button and enter in the field the e-mail address you use to log in, and click on "Send", and a new password will be sent out. If you do not find the email in your inbox, then look in the spam filter/spam folder.

    You can always choose a different password after logging in, you do this under "People-> My profile-> Change password".

  • What is the backup of the content in the portal? Partly if I happen to move/delete files, or if something should happen centrally. Can I reload individual files?

    Answer: Data is backed up every night. But if something should happen to be deleted by users, files and folders end up in the "Trash" on the portal, so they are easy to restore to their original location. The "trash" in the portal is not cleaned automatically, it must be cleaned manually and this reduces the risk that files and folders would not be left there. Regarding re-reading of individual files, it is not a problem to restore these as long as they remain in the backups (we guarantee at least one month's backup time).